Thursday, December 3, 2009

it's been a long while.

things you should know-
1. I just quit my job about 3 minutes ago over the phone, it took me like an hour to work myself up to do it. I balmed it on school work
3. I have one week of shitty school left D:
4. I am going ash blonde either next thursday or friday
5. I am going to spend all summer in bed watching korean and
japanese dramas and swoon over the boys
6. I am going to come back next year with wicked long curly hair,
skinny minnie and pale pale skin :D
I feel relieved and shocked still I think
I'm usually too chicken to quit stuff.
I hope my boss doesn't hate me, ex-boss

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This hot weather is shitting me off!

School is gay.
Friends are boring.
Exams are coming up.
Hot boys just don't exist.

All week I've been meaning to go for a jog at 5am
because apparently that makes you happy.
So I've been setting my ipod to go off at 5am,
but when it does I end up turning it off an going back to bed.
I kind of suck at making commitments.

The art exhibtion is up, quite a lot of my work is in there.
So I can't wait to see it tomorrow night with mother.

The only thing exciting me at the moment is river cruise next week
but that's only because Sarah and I are getting a crapload of energy shots and No-Doz pills.

Oh yeah, Fine Art classes make me happy too!
Mr MacNeil is awesome fun and he never gets angry when we go off our heads.

I better get less grumpy and jump back into happy mode soon!
As soon as this heat and the sun go away....

Oh, Halloween was brilliant, we accidentally broke into someone's house.
Got chased by two midgets.
Got stalked by a taxi.
Everyone got glowstick juice in their eyes, so half of use were blind and the strobe light didn't help either.
But brilliant fun.

Friday, October 30, 2009

so I'm sitting here,
'Coin Laundry' by Lisa Mitchell playing loudly
window open, cool breeze hitting me
painting to my heart's content.

Today was kind of a shitty day,
shitty days have been rare lately but they suck
woke up grumpy and then everything went downhill from there
but I'm okay now.

Party tomorrow, not even the slightest bit excited.
For Halloween, I'm going to be a giant cigarette box.

Halloween costume nearly done, then onto my river cruise dress.
Need to sew the tutu onto the corset. Hopefully it looks good
*crosses fingers*

Does age really matter in love?
Is it acceptable for 15 yr olds to be going out with 25 yr olds?
Does it really matter what's acceptable?
Recently on the news, this 44yr old man was in love with a 95yr old woman.
That's something.

I'm hoping for cool, happy days again please
Beautiful by Eminem is an amazing song.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Things To Do:

- Take a shower in the next 15 minutes
- Finish baking my carrot cake for school tomorrow
- Find a costume for Halloween Party
- Start jam sessions with Luke again, who happens to be an ace bassist and guitarist
- Make costumes for photography/graphic design project
- Find location for photoshoot
- Buy polaroid film for shoot
- Get extensions again

Oh, it is a small world.
I went on arts camp a while back and met this Perth actor,
Jeffrey Jay Fowler.
Only the most gorgeous man in the world.
(That guy in the HBF ads, who has on the glasses)
And my art teacher (Mr. MacNeil), well his girlfriend's younger sister
was the arts camp coordinator!

Anyway, Jeffrey is gay D:
But I really just want to get to know him and stuff :D
*crosses fingers*

Pretty happy with life at the moment.
Super easy week.
Year 12's all gone. More then half Year 10's gone to camp.
I only have about 6 people in each of my classes left.
So we do basically nothing.

Mother unit found ciggarettes in my room.
She didn't even yell at me :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

I need adventure fast!

first week of school gone by.
nothing exciting happened.
got sent down to admin to remove my makeup today along with half of my math class.

Put pink in my hair.
Got addicted to the song 'Meet Me Halfway'
Downloading The Smiths again because I love them so
Work tomorrow D:

Seeing Final Destination in 3D tomorrow night
then dinner at Fast Eddy's for Toby's birthday
So so so many people are coming, word spread around so we're expecting most of the year tens :/
meaning we won't get a table probably D:
but hoping to see Brodie who works at Gloria Jeans ;D
*fingers crossed*

It has been so hot lately
I don't want a tan!

'hang the DJ, hang the DJ'

Thursday, October 8, 2009

so I guess it's been a while.

Wednesday, went to see 500 Days of Summer.
Fun day. Started off with breakfast at Fast Eddy's with Mikayla + milkshakes.
Walked back to galleria, met up with Luke and Alex.
Then we found Kane + met Alex's friends Connor and Joel.

Movie was okay...
Joel fell asleep and they drew on his face with eyeliner.
Got yelled at for talking too loud in the movie.

Mikayla and I ran away from everone afterwards.
The guys met up with Angela.
Got these two peach lace dress things, absolutely in love with them.

there was this guy.
His name is Brodie and he works at Gloria Jeans.
The first time we went there, he smiled at me
and put extra chocolate dust on my hot chocolate :D

The second time he smiled again :D
And then we sat down at lunch and Kane went over and asked how old he was for me.
And then he looked over and smiled.
And Kane said he looked really happy.
He's 19.

Then the guys dragged me back over,
and asked for his number and he said he was taken.
And that was pretty embarassing.
So, then I ordered something to stop the weirdness,
and I couldn't look at him but he was smiling at me.
And I swear I had gone really really red.

And that's it.

And Luke,

He and I used to be like best friends but then he told me he had a crush on me
and I hate hate hate it when guys do that.
So we haven't talked for about 4 months and he kept trying to hug me and put his arm around me.
I kept dodging and walking off.
But he still didn't get the message, afterwards he said 'We should catch up again?'

I was thinking
'FUCKING IDIOT! I just spent the entire day ignoring, dodging you, arguing with everything you say & you still want to hang out?!?!?'
And all day he kept asking people to buy him food and looking at people's food as they were eating.

Then Kane bought a drink for Mikayla and Luke just took it and drank it all.
Stupid poor, ugly, fat boy.

Other then that good day :)
Dinner at Mikayla's, her mum is so cute!

I want to change my hair again or maybe just something about my appearance.
I want to dye my hair an ash blonde.
So it's like grayish.

All I have to say for now.
Oh, I think I'm moving schools.
I don't know if this is good or bad.
I'm just starting to get the hang of everything and life is good.
Will this change be for better or worse?

Good night blog.

Monday, October 5, 2009

best thing in the world :D

lying in bed
eating almond nougats
drinking affogato
texting my best friend about waffles and ice cream

about City Boy, getting over it was ehh
but then he got a really stupid haircut, so I feel all better now

seeing 500 Days of Summer
with the best friend, AAREX who is amazingly funny + Luke who is this guy I used to be biffles with but he was kinda clingy and weird and liked me
which freaks me out!

I'm so sleepy and it's only half past four in the afternoon.
